
Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 10 -.....

"It is with more than a little sadness that I write this final, formal email to all of you as a group" as Jodi has just sent to us...
 So, this is it... I will start my "formal" reflection on the actual course. 
Although I found it REALLY hard (due to my family "duties"), I must admit it was WORTH every minute I spent on studying and working for it! I've learnt about tools I didn't even know they existed! The instructors' "insistence" on working-experimenting on them was really rewarding for me as it made me feel better and more comfortable at using technology for teaching purposes. Among the tools, I found particularly useful Rubistar (and Quizstar-I found out about it myself!) because rubrics will help my students understand what exactly I want from them, Webquest as it is a great tool for creating and organizing projects, ANVILL, as it is an interesting and exciting way for students to start using their English, the Interactive PPT (I just LOVED the way I could have links on it!) and last but not least the Delicious tool where I can save my favourite tools!
 As for the "informal" part now, I must say that I wouldn't make it (for sure!!) without the continuous support from Jodi and Celeste (sorry for my bothering you!) and Marija (I still believe that I was a lousy partner). Mane thanks to Jeff who answered ALL my questions about ANVILL,and to Courtney who suggested a very clever way of using PPT!
  What can I say about my classmates... You were ALL really kind and helpful and ready to share your wisdom with me... I feel a much richer person now not only in knowledge but also in friends (among the most valuable riches!!). I wish I could comment on everyone's blogs and posts but it was just impossible!!! (Blogging has proved a perfect idea as it helped us express our thoughts and feelings and get to know each other better!)
 Last (but not least) a big "thank you" to my husband and 3 kids who really put up with my "absence" sometimes. I am sure they knew it was worth it!! Keep in touch!! I know I will!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week 10- Back to...childhood!!

This is the clip chosen by my kids!!! Time to have fun and relax!

Week 10-You 've got a friend...

I am still delaying the "farewell" post to my blog, although I am thinking of keeping it going... It's a way for me to keep in touch with all of you..
OK. Here's a song dedicated to all of you, dearest classmates and instructors. Even if I am far away from you, I can still help you. Just say so!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 9- This is a learner's world...

I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.... Now that the pressure of handing in in time my project is over, things seem much easier.
However, during this week we have been dealing with different learning styles. As I have posted in one of my comments on Nicenet, the teacher's job is getting more and more demanding as he has to identify and cater for his learners' learning styles. Research has to offer a lot in this field and a variety of sources and tools are at a (willing!) teacher's dispposal so as to implement this shift of teaching towards as many learning styles as possible.
I liked a lot (because it is colourful and easy for the students to understand) this link: . It's a quiz which I intend to give to my students at the beginning of the school year in order to identify their learning styles. Then (the hardest part) I will need to adapt my teaching methods so as ti include all learning styles.. Is this possible? So far, I have managed to include the kinaesthetic, auditory and  visual learners as I use lots of songs where students dance, move, sing, and PPTs which make it easy for visual learners to learn and understand new notions. Furthermore, reading the assigned texts has shown to me that there are different classifications (in name mostly) of learning styles made by different researchers. Thus, we have the "classic" Gardner classification and,now, according to Montgomery and Groat (, Myers-Briggs, Kolb and Felder-Silverman have provided us with more analysis of the learning modes. Thus, now, we have a whole list of styles to deal with! I have found 3 pictures which I consider very good for keeping in mind how learners learn:

Our realization that every potential learner comes into the classroom with his/her personal learning style, makes the shift towards a learner centered teaching much more immediate and necessary. I would like to end this post by quoting Montgomery and Groat's words (adapted by Randall et al.): "Acknowledgement can be empowering for students if they can be made aware of their preferred learning style(s) and assisted in stretching their capabilities to accomodate greater variety".

Friday, June 8, 2012

Week 9 - Don't give up!

I believe that some of you ( I know I am!!) are still working hard on the final project... This is something to cheer you up and make you want to go on... It has helped me, at least! Enjoy...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 8- Phew!!!

This week has come to an end... I must admit it was exhausting, at least for me... We had to submit our first project draft, create a teaching resource and...attend a webinar about ANVILL. The last one is what I enjoyed the most! Apart from getting to meet its developer, Jeff Magoto, I had the chance to see how it works, as well be in "class" with teachers from all over the world. It was a unique experience. Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to create a tool based on the resources we were provided with, but it is my intention to "delicious" them and start using them as soon as possible. I mostly prefer the sites which allow you to make exercises which can be printed and used in the class, as I am afraid that I won't have always Internet access.
 Since you seem to like the aricles I upload, I must "reveal" my source: It's a summary of articles concerning teaching with technology, re-uploaded by Nik Peachy. It's a great site and I suggest you "follow" it.
 Well, I guess we must rest a bit... Week 9 will be (as it is actually the end) the hardest and most demanding one!
  Bye for now...