
Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 7- Bye-bye

This week has made me really happy as it has shown to me (once more) that teachers cannot be substituted. They are, and always be, responsible for a child's learning. What I WILL definitely remember from this week's readings is the fact that learner autonomy goes hand-in-hand with teacher autonomy. So, we, teachers NEED to change our course of teaching so as to autonomize our learners. It may be hard but it's certainly worth the effort as it will produce the best for us (professional development) and our students (taking on a more active role in their education).
 I, also, enjoyed reading the ideas provided by my colleagues for a one-computer classroom. Since funds are really low in Greece nowadays, I believe I can still work miracles! I, also, "remembered" the idea of "learning stations" (I got familiar with it in another course with UMBC) and I find it a great tool to promote learner autonomy. My only wish: my OWN classroom where I would have my computer, my projector and my learning station...
 Next week will be really difficult as I have to a lot of work with my draft... Let's hope for the best.
I would like to finish my post with a great video about "learning stations" ("literacy centers" here). Feel free to get and implement some of its great suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Georgia!
    I completely agree with you and this week's reading on the importance of changing our teaching to facilitate students' autonomy. Thanks for the video, by the way. It's really nice! :) I especially liked the basket and books centre, although I'm not sure that's very good for the kids' backs! hahaha ;)
    I'm also a bit nervous with the whole project and thinking of the first deadline for the draft only makes it worse! Good luck!! I wish we had 48-hour days! hehe
